#gischat anyone got mastodon working on their phones? It doesn't seem like the @mapstodon server shows up as an option?
@chrismarx Is Metatext available on android? That’s what I use on iPhone. It’s free and open source. Plus has more features than the official.
@geocorsair doesn't look like it. And I think for most people, they're going to want to stick to the official app at least in the beginning. Is there some setting or some admin that needs to be alerted to the fact that the server isn't listed in the mobile app?
@chrismarx if you’re anything like me you might be accidentally typing mapstodon.social instead of mapstodon.space
I just tested the official app on iPhone and it works, so I don't think it's the server.
@geocorsair oh, I was just typing "mapsto" and autocomplete filter list returned zero results so I just gave up lol. Got it sorted now - https://mapstodon.space/@chrismarx/109388771936683198
@chrismarx @geocorsair Admin alerted :)
I found the instance without issue myself on the official app, not sure what's going on here. Anyone else experienced the same issue?
@jeremy @chrismarx In a higher up reply I edited to say that it works for me on the official app on iPhone. Just confirmed.
@chrismarx Hi Chris, did you search for these precise terms: mapstodon.space? It should show up.
@jeremy thanks for checking, yes, if I typed out the entire address it did work - https://mapstodon.space/@chrismarx/109388771936683198
@chrismarx I used the official Mastodon app without any problems on Android. But I did find that I liked the Tusky app (again on android) better.
@chrismarx On iOS the Mastodon app just got updated to make the login process clearer: you just have to enter server URL (mapstodon.space) in the search box. I was also flummoxed until the update.
Mind you, having got the official app working, I think I like running Mapstodon as a web app better!
@akalaku oh, you're right! Wow, did not expect an autocomplete which clearly was doing dynamic filtering to show nothing until entering the entire search term. But I can confirm if you enter the entire string, it does show up on Android. Hoozah