Share of worldwide #population living in lands:
• Between the #Tropics: in 2014, the region was home to 40% of the world's population, and this figure was then projected to reach 50% by 2050
• South of the Tropic of Capricorn: about 2.8%
• About half the world’s population lives north of 27 degrees north:
• North of the Tropic of Cancer: around 55% if we take above figures plus the below chart:
A striking feature of the above polls and stats is that almost no one living between the Tropics sees my toots even though almost one person in two lives between the Tropics!
An interactive map of temperature projections: @climate
What is your latitude?
Please boost so that we obtain a good panel.
@anatole Oops, I meant to vote " between the tropics" instead of "below tropic of Capricorn".
Thank you for trying!
I had hesitated on the order of:
- tropical
- south of tropics
Would you suggest that next time i invert them? That is: list options from South to North (and so from least to most numerous)?
Would you mention the poll to friends that live "between the Tropics"?
@anatole I think a North to South listing is logical, as that's how it's shown on maps. Yes, I would suggest the poll to others; some of my followers would fall in that category, although a small minority.
@SuperMoosie @anatole Hmm, like "down under."
@SuperMoosie Sure, you are the right way up; and you drive on the correct lane of the road
@anatole no separate category for the few people on here that live south of the 40° South parallel? Smh my head
I think i'll make a North to South listing next time; with "Down Under" as the last item.
For the moment you may use "South of Tropic of Capricorn". It garnered 14% so far and 6% in 2022.
@anatole oh, I'm covered, I live in Austria, so I'm north of 40°N like most people that voted so far
@anatole that Indonesia factor, WOW